Prioritizing Barriers and Strategies Mapping in Business Intelligence Projects Using Fuzzy AHP TOPSIS Framework in Developing Country

Ika Chandra Hapsari, Rayhan Anandya, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Nur Fitriah Ayuning Budi, Kongkiti Phusavat


Business Intelligence (BI) is an essential technology in an increasingly competitive landscape since it helps make decisions more accurately. To achieve an effective BI implementation, the organization must formulate the right strategy to overcome its challenges. This research aimed to develop a framework to map barriers into strategies using qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative approach is driven by interviewing BI experts to validate the barriers and strategies previously obtained. Based on the interview, there are 19 barriers and 9 strategies that could be used. The quantitative approach compiles a priority list of the most significant barriers and the most effective strategies to overcome these barriers using fuzzy AHP TOPSIS, an MCDM method to eliminate inconsistencies during ranking. The results indicate that the lack of collaboration between the IT and BI departments, the BI implementation demands to be done quickly, and low data quality are the main barriers that hinder BI's success. This research also found that business people's involvement in a BI project is the best strategy to overcome the obstacles. The chances of a successful BI implementation will increase by having good cooperation between IT and business units within the company.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-02-010

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Business Intelligence; BI Barriers; BI Strategic; BI Implementation; MCDM; Fuzzy AHP TOPSIS.


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