Machine Learning Bias in Predicting High School Grades: A Knowledge Perspective

Ricardo Costa-Mendes, Frederico Cruz-Jesus, Tiago Oliveira, Mauro Castelli


This study focuses on the machine learning bias when predicting teacher grades. The experimental phase consists of predicting the student grades of 11th and 12thgrade Portuguese high school grades and computing the bias and variance decomposition. In the base implementation, only the academic achievement critical factors are considered. In the second implementation, the preceding year’s grade is appended as an input variable. The machine learning algorithms in use are random forest, support vector machine, and extreme boosting machine. The reasons behind the poor performance of the machine learning algorithms are either the input space poor preciseness or the lack of a sound record of student performance. We introduce the new concept of knowledge bias and a new predictive model classification. Precision education would reduce bias by providing low-bias intensive-knowledge models. To avoid bias, it is not necessary to add knowledge to the input space. Low-bias extensive-knowledge models are achievable simply by appending the student’s earlier performance record to the model. The low-bias intensive-knowledge learning models promoted by precision education are suited to designing new policies and actions toward academic attainments. If the aim is solely prediction, deciding for a low bias knowledge-extensive model can be appropriate and correct.


Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01298

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Knowledge Bias; Bias And Variance Decomposition; Random Forest; Support Vector Regression; Precision Education; Academic Achievement.


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DOI: 10.28991/esj-2021-01298


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Copyright (c) 2021 Ricardo Costa-Mendes, Tiago Oliveira, Mauro Castelli, Frederico Cruz-Jesus