Development of an Enterprise Architecture for Healthcare using TOGAF ADM

Abba Suganda Girsang, Achmad Abimanyu


Hospital is one of the most complex organization with highly intensive interaction between stakeholders (patients, nurses, doctors, staff, etc.). In the operation of a hospital, the use of Information technology has been proven to improve effectiveness and efficiency. However, in the majority of cases, the processes to achieve the Strategic Objectives through implementation of Information Technology are full of challenges. Based on the case study in Dharmais Cancer Hospital, there are many symptoms that are identified by this study and lead to 4 issues, namely: lack of ownership from Business users, lack of alignment between business strategy and IT strategy, lack of awareness to use IT as a tool for competitive advantage, and low quality of IT operation performances. In order to solve the issues and support the achievement of Strategic Business Objective through IT, an Enterprise Architecture approach can be used to develop baseline architecture, identify the target architecture, finding the gap, and use the gap as recommendation to solve those issues. The methodology chosen is TOGAF ADM, based on its focus on processes and its flexibility to combine artifacts and approaches that are most suitable for the case. This study develops 7 recommendations to Strengthen Business area of organization, 5 recommendations to Align IT plan with Business Strategy, 16 recommendations to Implement several IT solutions as Competitive Advantage for organization, and 8 recommendations to provide higher performances by enabling Service Management approach for IT Operation. This study also shows how TOGAF ADM can improve the awareness of the business users to the business itself.


Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01278

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Architecture Governance; Business Strategy; Enterprise Architecture; Hospital; IT Strategy; TOGAF ADM.


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DOI: 10.28991/esj-2021-01278


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