NOMA Performance Improvement with Downlink Sectorization

Hurianti Vidyaningtyas, . Iskandar, . Hendrawan, Aloysius A. Pramudita


This study tackles the growing challenge of inter-user interference in Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) systems, particularly as user density increases in modern communication networks. The primary objective is to improve system performance by implementing a downlink sectorization strategy, which groups users into distinct sectors to manage interference and optimize resource allocation. A Sequential Power Allocation (SePA) algorithm was introduced to enhance power distribution within sectors, aiming to maximize both user capacity and overall sum rate. The methods employed included detailed simulations comparing the performance of traditional NOMA systems and those incorporating sectorization. The results demonstrate that sectorization can significantly boost the system’s sum rate by up to 25% and reduce decoding errors by as much as 51%, particularly when the number of users per sector is kept under 20. However, performance saturation occurs beyond this threshold, where additional users do not contribute to further improvements. The novelty of this research lies in applying spatial sectorization to NOMA, showing that spatial sectorization can minimize intra-sector interference, improve power efficiency, and maintain reliable communication in high-demand environments such as the Internet of Things (IoT). This study provides valuable insights for optimizing NOMA systems, crucial for next-generation wireless networks.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2025-09-01-017

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NOMA; Sectorization; Maximum User; Interference Mitigation.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2025-09-01-017


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