Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience through Artificial Intelligence: A Strategic Framework for Executives

Sruthy Suresh K.


In today's contemporary turbulent business environment, marked by disruptions ranging from natural disasters to global pandemic, supply chain resilience is crucial. This research addresses the pressing need to understand challenges faced by Indian supply chain executives by adopting AI-driven solutions for enhancing resilience. Analyzing data from 300 executives using ANOVA and t-tests reveals critical patterns in encountered barriers. Simultaneously, the study aims to fill gaps in existing literature by developing a strategic framework for executives. Using Structured Equation Modeling (SEM), it outlines best practices for integrating AI into supply chain operations, offering nuanced insights into strategic considerations and organizational barriers influencing AI adoption decisions. The research identifies a gap in comprehensive studies on challenges and decision-making factors specific to Indian executives adopting AI for supply chain resilience. By addressing this gap, the study enriches global discourse on AI in supply chain management and provides targeted guidance to Indian executives navigating AI-enabled operations. Ultimately, the research aims to empower executives with actionable insights to effectively leverage AI, enabling them to fortify supply chain resilience amidst India's evolving business dynamics.

JEL Code: O32, M15, L23, L25, Q55.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-04-013

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Supply Chain Resilience; Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration; Executive Decision-making; Challenges in AI Adoption; Strategic Framework; Organizational Barriers.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-04-013


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