Enterprise Innovation Decision-Making Towards Green and Sustainability from the Perspective of Cognitive Innovation

Thi Anh Phuong Tran, Xinshuo Hou


Although numerous current studies on green consumption and sustainable enterprise development have been carried out, the majority of them examined the issues from customers' viewpoints. This study aims to explore the mechanism that shapes firm innovation decision-making in the context of green and sustainable development from the perspective of business awareness under the impact of customer expectations. The study conducted an online survey (via Google Forms) with the participation of 301 employees from different enterprises in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. To restrict the common method biases, Cronbach’s alpha was checked by using SPSS to ensure the reliability of the initial scales. Based on a deductive approach and testing hypotheses through evaluating the measurement model and structural model using SmartPLS software, the research results determined the mechanism of forming firm innovation decisions in this study via the impact of customer expectations as a stimulating factor leading to awareness of innovation. Customer expectations were positively associated with perceived marketing innovation. Perceived marketing innovation was not only positively associated with perceived process innovation but also related to firm innovation. Similarly, perceived process innovation was significantly positively associated with firm innovation. In alignment with research findings, significant practical and academic contributions were also proposed.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-06-013

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Enterprise Innovation; Decision-Making; Cognitive Innovation; Mekong Delta.


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