Political Study Analyses of Education Policy to Improve Education Quality

Agus Jumaidi, Mustanir Mustanir, T. Rusli Yusuf, Sanusi Sanusi


Objective: This case study analyzes the influence of political education policies on the educational standards in Aceh, Indonesia. Methods/Analysis: The study examines the impact of political stability and governance changes on educational frameworks and outcomes, specifically focusing on reforms made after 2005. The study used qualitative methods, analyzed data from interviews with educators, policymakers, and students, and reviewed relevant government documents and education statistics. Finding: Increased political autonomy in Aceh has led to a more culturally and regionally adapted education policy, improving student participation and learning. A more inclusive educational atmosphere for various students has been created by including local language and culture studies. According to the report, political stability also facilitates school finance and resource distribution, increasing infrastructure and teacher training. Balancing national education standards with local requirements and ensuring fair access to quality education in Aceh's districts remain challenges. According to the report, policymakers should spend in teacher training, infrastructure, and inclusive curriculum to preserve and strengthen Aceh education. Novelty/Improvement:Political stability and governance in Aceh have affected curriculum creation, teaching methods, and learning results, according to this study. These political dynamics present problems and opportunities for sustainable education programs, which the study examines.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-04-011

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Education Policy and Quality; Aceh-Indonesia; Human Resource Development; Local Identity; Peace and Education.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-04-011


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Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Jumaidi, Mustanir Mustanir, T. Rusli Yusuf, Sanusi Sanusi