Environmental Effects on Parameters of Leakage Current Equivalent Circuits of Outdoor Insulators

Adjie Bagaskara, . Rachmawati, . Suwarno


The performance of outdoor insulators in transmission lines may deteriorate due to aging and can even be enhanced by the presence of pollutants. Leakage current (LC) measurement is one of the most effective methods to diagnose the insulator condition, utilizing LC parameters such as magnitude and total harmonic distortion (THD). However, research on the interpretation of these parameters is still limited. This paper discusses the diagnostic method by simulation, employing the LC equivalent circuits of different types of insulators and examining the influence of environmental factors, such as humidity and pollutant levels. LC waveforms are first obtained through experiments on various insulator types, including traditional ceramic and glass insulators, advanced composite insulators, or the hybrid type of RTV silicone rubber-coated and conducting glazed insulators. Subsequently, simulations on the LC circuits of Suwarno’s and Kizilcay’s models are performed to obtain similar LC waveforms and properties. The values of the equivalent circuit parameters are then used to diagnose each insulator’s characteristics and environmental effects. The results indicate that composite insulators of epoxy resin or SiR have a larger intrinsic resistance of ~40 GΩ and nonlinear resistance (a few MΩ to tens of GΩ), representing high surface resistance of the insulators against water and pollutants. A comparison of these parameters is expected to indicate the severity levels of insulator condition.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-01-022

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Leakage Current Equivalent Circuit; Leakage Current; Simulation; Outdoor Insulator.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-01-022


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Copyright (c) 2024 Adjie Bagaskara, Rachmawati Rachmawati, Suwarno Suwarno