E-Learning Adoption: Designing a Network-Based Educational and Methodological Course on "Humans and Their Health"

Nurdana Salybekova, Serzhan Abdimalik, Gani Issayev, Gulmira Khalikova, Almagul Berdenkulova, Kulzhakhan Bakirova


This study aims to explore the factors influencing the adoption of e-learning platforms in biology education and examine the impact of online learning on students’ performance. This study investigates the relationships between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward e-learning, flexibility, content quality, and students’ behavioral intention to adopt e-learning activities. A mixed-methods approach was employed consisting of two phases: a questionnaire survey with structural equation modeling (SEM) to analyze data and an experiment with an independent sample t-test to assess the impact of online learning on student performance. Findings disclosed that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward e-learning, flexibility, and content quality positively impacted students’ behavioral intention to adopt e-learning and their performance. This study contributes to the theoretical understanding of the factors influencing e-learning adoption in biology education. Practical recommendations are provided for educators, instructional designers, and policymakers to facilitate the implementation of e-learning platforms in biology education. These recommendations include promoting the perceived usefulness and ease of use of e-learning platforms, fostering a positive attitude toward e-learning, enhancing flexibility, ensuring high-quality content, providing training and support for educators, and considering the needs of students with disabilities.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-06-014

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E-learning; Online Learning; Biology Education; Adoption; Perceived Usefulness; Content Quality; Perceived Ease of Use; Correctional Institutions.


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