Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Eugenia Dysenterica DC Essential Oil

Danielle C. S. Oliveira, Telma Mary Kaneko, Maria Cláudia Marx Young, Cynthia Murakami, Inês Cordeiro, Paulo Roberto Hrihorowitsch Moreno


Eugenia dysenterica DC is a native species from the Cerrado biome and can be found in several states of Brazil. This study evaluated the chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities from the essential oils of a population collected in São Paulo state. Essential oils were obtained by conventional means, and their compositions were analyzed by GC-MS. Screening assays for antimicrobial activity were carried out by the microdilution method and the antioxidant potential was assessed by the DPPH scavenging method. The GC-MS analysis indicated that 52.63% of the essential oil is composed by oxygenated sesquiterpenes and the major compound is (-)-elema-1,3,11(13)-trien-12-ol (24.86%). The antimicrobial assay indicated MIC 42.1 µg/mL for S. aureus and MIC > 10000 µg/mL for the other tested microorganisms, Gram negative bacteria and fungi. The oil showed an IC50 of 5.4±0.632 mg/mL for in the DPPH assay. The essential oil had a different chemical composition from previous studies. The essential oil did not present a potent antioxidant activity. However, it can be considered a promising antimicrobial agent against S. aureus.


Eugenia Dysenterica; Essential Oil; Antioxidant Activity; Antimicrobial Activity; GC-MS.


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DOI: 10.28991/esj-2018-01160


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Copyright (c) 2018 Danielle C. S. Oliveira, Telma Mary Kaneko, Maria Cláudia Marx Young, Cynthia Murakami, Inês Cordeiro, Paulo Roberto Hrihorowitsch Moreno