Open Government Data Intention-Adoption Behavioural Model for Public Sector Organisations: A Technological Innovation Perspective

Muhammad M. Khurshid, Ammar Rashid, Shafiz Yusof, Raja W. Ahmad, Hafiz Muhammad Faisal Shehzad


The objective of this research is to examine an open government data (OGD) intention-adoption behavioural model for the public sector organisations (PSOs), since examining the model is expected to lead to a better understanding of how to realise this technological innovation among PSOs on a large scale to excavate its innovative value. In this respect, we proposed a theoretical model to explore the factors that affect OGD adoption behaviour based on three dimensions of the TOE (technology, organisation, and environment) framework. The model was then analysed after collecting the survey data from 249 PSOs in Pakistan using a purposive sampling technique. The findings unfolded that the factors, except centralisation and civil society participation, framed in technology dimension (data resource, dataset quality, perceived benefits), organisation dimension (data-driven culture, digitisation capacity, need for transparency), and environment dimension (compliance pressure, political leadership commitment) affect the PSOs’ OGD adoption intention. Cumulatively, the intention to adopt OGD was found to have a significant positive impact on OGD adoption behaviour. Based on the TOE framework, the model, with the addition of adoption intention as a significant positive factor in adoption behaviour, bears a crucial theoretical and practical contribution in the context of OGD.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-05-04

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Open Data; Open Government Data; Intention; Adoption; Public Sector Organization; TOE Framework.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-05-04


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