Factors Influencing Social Media Platform Engagement among Thai Students: A Quantitative Study

Khanittha Jitsaeng, Wirapong Chansanam, Suparp Kanyacome, Umawadee Detthamrong, Chunqiu Li


This study delves into the complex landscape of social media utilization among undergraduate students in higher education institutions in Thailand, investigating the pivotal factors that shape their engagement with these platforms. Employing a quantitative research approach, the investigation utilizes a meticulously crafted multi-stage sampling methodology coupled with a robust data collection process. Through applying multi-correlation and multiple-regression analyses, the research unveils significant insights into the determinants of social media usage among Thai youth. Notably, motivation for social media use, access, creativity, and participation through these platforms emerge as substantive predictors. This aligns seamlessly with existing research, underscoring the critical roles played by motivation and accessibility in influencing online engagement. The resultant predictive equation is a pragmatic instrument for comprehending and forecasting social media engagement patterns among Thai undergraduate students. The findings underscore the importance of motivation, access, and creativity as driving forces behind social media utilization. This research equips educators, policymakers, and researchers with valuable insights, emphasizing the imperative of fostering responsible and effective use of social media within this demographic. The study's contribution to the academic landscape is noteworthy because it sheds light on unexplored facets such as cultural dynamics, peer networks, and individual traits, enriching our understanding of the intricate social media landscape among Thai undergraduate students.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-02-011

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Predicting, Digital Technology; Factors; Influencing; Social Media; Thai Undergraduate Students.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-02-011


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