Adaptive Learning and Integrated Use of Information Flow Forecasting Methods

Ilya S. Lebedev, Mikhail E. Sukhoparov


This research aims to improve quality indicators in solving classification and regression problems based on the adaptive selection of various machine learning models on separate data samples from local segments. The proposed method combines different models and machine learning algorithms on individual subsamples in regression and classification problems based on calculating qualitative indicators and selecting the best models on local sample segments. Detecting data changes and time sequences makes it possible to form samples where the data have different properties (for example, variance, sample fraction, data span, and others). Data segmentation is used to search for trend changes in an algorithm for points in a time series and to provide analytical information. The experiment performance used actual data samples and, as a result, obtained experimental values of the loss function for various classifiers on individual segments and the entire sample. In terms of practical novelty, it is possible to use the obtained results to increase quality indicators in classification and regression problem solutions while developing models and machine learning methods. The proposed method makes it possible to increase classification quality indicators (F-measure, Accuracy, AUC) and forecasting (RMSE) by 1%–8% on average due to segmentation and the assignment of models with the best performance in individual segments.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-03-03

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Machine Learning; Segmentation; Adaptive Learning; Information Local Properties.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-03-03


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